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  • Do not get advice from the council as their answers can be misleading due to incorrectly worded questions asked.


  • Our experienced office staff will be more than happy to answer a your questions and give you a more favourable direction. 


  • We can then contact the council on your behalf with a clearer direction of what you require and and ask them specific and direct questions.


  • Minimum 3.5m driveway space between your house and side fence. Minimum 20m backyard space from the rear of your house to the rear fence. 


  • If you want to demolish your existing residence allow a minimum of 3 units to be built. 


  • Unit developments are always small, be careful not to think you are getting a 20sq size unit in your rear yard 


  • It's important to remember you are doing a development to make money, so we will always advise you to keep it simple and make sure it will get approved. No matter what you want, unfortunately the council will always have the last say.

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